I am 40 weeks pregnant
now! Or ‘40 and 1 today’ is how they say it.
Oh I started so well. Now
I am going to try and finish well! You hear that baby? That means you start well OK? We all
want to be good at what we do. I wonder if this is felt more keenly than the desire
to be a good parent. This starts right at conception. There are new rules on what
to eat, what not to eat, how much to eat, how to look after yourself, stretches
and exercises to do, what sports not
to take up. Also babies recognize rhymes and songs from the womb so you can
grow their brains more while they are in there. Sheesh! This baby is keeping me
busy and providing opportunities for guilt already!
It has been discovered
that an exercising mother makes a healthier baby. Makes sense. Like I said I
started well; baby yoga, walking, stretching and those annoying pelvic floors. In
the past few weeks when I haven’t been in a classroom I have been aiming to walk
about 40 minutes everyday. Does it sound impressive or lame? I don’t walk
particularly far in 40 minutes. Also once I fell over. Balance is challenging
with loose ligaments and a bowling ball between your legs. Well almost. I haven’t
done too badly actually and the walking really improved the weird leg cramps I
was getting. I thought about cutting down on sugar too but I have been rather
enjoying my new sweet tooth. It doesn’t
seem too detrimental at the moment, apart from the baby developing a sweet
tooth, I hear that is pretty likely with children. The question is will I be
able to curb my sweet appetite later?
We have completely finished our to do list for the baby, including
the little touches decorating the baby room. Even to the point that nobody
knows the name we have chosen but we have bought some letters to put up in her
room after the big arrival. We felt pretty sneaky trying these out then hiding
them away again. I'd say we are ready! Waaaaaah! It is a good feeling.
My to do list is now filled with slightly silly items but that are no problem, I
should still do those wee annoying things. Something to pass the time while
Dropping a bowling ball anyone? |