26 November 2012

one year ago today, retrospective

perfection, 4 hours old

A new family not so unlike a new family at Christmas!

1 month

2 months

3 months, that duck was golden, I miss that!

4 months

4 months

first banana
5 months, wanting more

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

best friends

11 months

havin' a laugh
12 months!

Thankyou wee girl for a wonderful year, the highs outweigh any lows a million to one. You are so beautiful, smart, fun and sweet. Thank you for all the kisses and hugs and pats on the back, you are generous too! Your Dad and I are so lucky that you are ours. God Bless Ada.

21 November 2012

video footage of Ada with a balloon, stop press

a first birthday party

too hungry to pose!

A few pics from Ada’s birthday party last weekend! Small house + many babies + kids = a very content and busy wee Ada. She LOVED it all, right down to the sneaky chocolate Guinness cake fed to her and ripping open the presents after a much needed nap.  Thank you so much to the guests for making it out on a bit of a miserable Saturday, you made our day! Ada got lots of cute gifts and has given her new toys equal attention.  Thank you givers! Full credit to Jo for the beautiful cake and to Mel for the gorgeous wee cupcakes, a new career may await you both! Next time I will delegate the role of photographer... learning slowly.
new chair and reunited with lil ted

new toys!

07 November 2012

tears and driving don't mix

Coming back from a cousin’s place near Hamilton today I was listening to the compilation I made to play before the service at our wedding. I still love every song and I have to share one of them with you. Whenever I listen to My Favourite Book by Canadian band Stars I am struck that it seems to be basically written about Cam and I.

Simultaneously singing, fighting back tears, passing another vehicle and trying to keep a baby awake in the back seat is not ideal. This song just does that to me, it says what my heart thinks. I am so so thankful to be going through life and motherhood with Cameron. I honestly don’t want to boast too much because he is amazing and no other dudes should try and compare themselves to him cos he is so great and I am lucky and undeserving and blessed.

Listen up:


In the 80’s I loved it if my tape covers had the lyrics on the back, because singing along to every word of a song is one of life’s joys, so just in case, here they are.

Stars, My Favourite Book.

I was always late, you never afraid, that we could be falling
All our friends would say, maybe we should wait, but they can't see what's coming
And to this day, when everything breaks, you are the anchor that holds me

And that is why we'll always make it

How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You're my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive

When the days are long, and the thunder with the storm, can always get me crying
You can make my bed, I'll fall into it, shattered but not lonely
Because I never knew a home, until I found your hands, and when I'm weathered
You come to me, you're my best friend

And that is why we'll always make it

How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You're my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive

And when we're making love
I'd give up everything up for your touch

How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You're my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive

When you go to work all the day I wait
For you to come home, recount our time, in our little place

30 October 2012

baby dahl, irish mash and best (guilt free) pancakes ever

These are so easy it is almost embarrassing! You can freeze all of them, yay! The puree's work well frozen in a silicon muffin tin or one sprayed with vege oil then popped out into a freezer bag.

Baby spinach dahl, about 6 serves (adapted from Good First Foods by Sara Lewis)

Bring to boil and simmer for 25 mins:
3T red lentils
2T white rice
1t oil
pinch ground coriander
pinch turmeric

1c homemade vege stock or water

You may need to monitor this and add a touch more water to stop it from sticking. 

Add 1 tomato, without skin and seeds
1 bunch spinach chopped, without stalks (you could use silverbeet too)
and cook for further 2 mins

Puree or mash to desired consistency.

Champ-cannon, 12 serves (adapted from River Cottage Baby and Toddler Cookbook by Nikki Duffy)

3 med-large potatoes
1/4 cabbage
a few spring onions
3 large stalks of silverbeet
Bit of natural yogurt

Peel and cook the potatoes and steam the very finely chopped greens above.

Puree or mash to desired consistency with yogurt and a little of the cooking water.

Whole Grain Pancakes, makes so many baby ones so make some for you too. (recipe lightly adapted from Chef Michael Smith but taken from the blog Poppytalk)

1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat or almond flour
1 cup oatmeal
2 tablespoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla

In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients, flour through to salt. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients until well blended. Pour the wet into the dry and use a wooden spoon to lightly stir the batter smooth, being careful to not over mix. Let sit for 10 minutes so that the baking powder can do it's thing.

Heat over medium-high a large cast iron skillet or heavy pan and use a little butter or oil to grease the pan. Spoon batter into skillet - large pancakes or small pancakes. When you see bubbles rise on top and start to pop leaving holes, it's time to flip. Remove onto a plate covered with a large bowl to keep warm while you cook up the remaining batter. Babies enjoy these plain but serve yours with maple syrup, fresh fruit or jam and dig in. 

11 months

I love the number 11, I think of it as pretty and interesting. At the moment thought we are on the big countdown to the number 1, so Ada being 11 months old feels a bit penultimate. Nevertheless each week brings new tricks and personality to our wee button so 11 months deserves a wee post.

First piece of news is that chase has become the best game ever and Ada loses it giggling. So. Much. Fun.

Ada stood by herself for 5 whole seconds the other day and then sat down, stood back up and raised her arms in the air. Very much a LOOK AT ME moment.

She continues to be on time with milestones, not really early and not really late. Ada loves her trolley and activity table where I tell her to play DJ and make some music. She pulls herself up on everything, especially friends and sliding doors. Walking is next. Oh. My. We are not there yet, surely?!

After 4 months of signing a few baby sign language words to Ada she used two unequivocally in two days when we were down at Hayden and Emily's wedding in Wellington. Ada was being looked after by a friend and I came back to help put her down for a nap. After changing her nappy she was on my knee and signed food. I said "but it is bedtime" and Ada burst into huge tears. So I stood up and told her we would go get a banana and the tears stopped. She ate the whole thing and went happily to bed 3 minutes later! A whole conversation with a 10 month old. So cool. 

The last achievement this month is that she ate what we had for dinner last night, Moroccan meatballs sans chili. Wahoo, cooked tomato is on the menu. Phew. Onwards!

18 October 2012

to work or not to work?

I have been intending to write more than captions for photos on here for the longest time. Two months ago I told myself that I would write something on average every two days. I published 4 coffe blogs that day and that was it. Yesterday a dear friend said if I wrote a baby book she would be a follower. Too kind! Trouble is, I don’t really write! As an aside said friend would be an amazing writer and have you glued to her life and her insights, she is a quiet hero of mine.  

My general demeanour is happy go lucky with a dose of charming complaints. I don’t get angry or depressed often, what you see is what you get. However, when I process big thoughts they usually simmer under the surface, waiting patiently until I get the right opportunity to discus with a good friend. I can usually draw this process out until action is required. Trying to capture big thoughts when they happen is a lot of the reason why I blog. Having to finish the thinking process before I press publish helps me to be disciplined with finishing what I start, I need this to write and I often need this to think things through. I get distracted easily, sometimes by a cute baby waking up, more often by FB or Trademe. 

who me?
For the past few months I have had some low level background dissatisfaction with myself or with life. The simplest answer seems to be a job, I sort of want one for the money and for the variety. Do I get a fill the gaps job, put my very wonky career on hold? Do I dig deep and figure out my next step on the path to my perfect job? I haven’t really been willing to look this in the eye because I am grateful for the opportunity and support from Cam to care for Ada full time and want to make the most of it. To name aloud that I am unsatisfied makes it bigger and more problematic, when day-to-day I am really happy with things. 

When we returned from Canada and I was 5 months pregnant getting a full time job was not on the cards. When Mum friends discuss going back to work I feel like my position is moot as I don’t have a job to go back to, the decision is made for me.  Even though I have spouted all these thoughts here I haven’t come up with an answer, just said the question aloud. Work is only a small part of what may be the solution and I am not sure of my next step at all. I am finding it a bit disconcerting, like I said, this has been on my mind for months, my abilty to put off thinking these big thoughts has been rather accentuated by my ongoing baby brain. As it stands I am not figuring this out yet, I am going to enjoy Ada's first year without worrying about this. I am waiting until January to see what I come up with and plan on booking in some soul searching over the holidays. 

30 September 2012

10 months

I hug things here at the side of my face. 
Vegemite will have to do...

Lil joey in her lobster seat

2 teeth becoming 4

How NYC is that expression? "Where you headin?"

A safe distance for Milly

30 August 2012

3/4 of a year!

Ada turned 9 months old on Monday and she sure is having a lot of fun these days.  I’ll let the pictures, and my dorky captions, speak for themselves. Note to self use another camera apart from my phone...
EYES and CHEEKS about sums her up

At One Tree Hill today

First swing

Crawling and getting stuff is amazing

I like to pose for photos more than my cousins

Eating raisins

Crawling in tunnels

My Mum put me in a box

26 August 2012

baby blow out

I sit here typing after having eaten perhaps my 15th cupcake in 3 days. I tried to cut down my cake intake as I will be wearing a rather fitting dress this Saturday as matron of honour at my wonderful friend Jo’s wedding. It's not too urgent, everything fits, I was just trying to reduce the visual cues of my daily 3 pieces of cake habit in my silhouette. All my new found self-control went to custard with all the lollies and sweets about this weekend. We had such fun, actually sounding like a brood of hens cackling away for about 36 hours. The girls kept joking about my baby blow out, referring to going a little crazy after not drinking for so long, I had a rather quick glass of wine after I had pumped milk. I did look rather despo for a drink, after watching everyone else sip away for the afternoon I gulped some down before we headed out to dinner. Pre-loading is what they called it, good to know. I was trying to catch up, I was suffering some FOMO hiding away in the bedroom with the milking device. You will be pleased to know there was only a sugar blow out this weekend.

I left Ada with Cam about lunchtime on Saturday and he looked after her till mid morning Sunday! They had a ball! Cam said he felt like he really earnt his parent stripes with all the one-on-one time. I knew he would be fantastic. Apparently Ada even said Mama a bunch of times after her bath/before bed and then again in the morning when taking her bottle! Amazing! She hasn’t even been making mmmm sounds really and then out she pops with them perhaps when missing me. Aww! She is still a ways off using mama and dada exclusively about or to Cam and I but it is still sooo cute to hear. 

I was pretty distracted by the party planning and didn’t miss Ada too much, except when expressing milk. I would always prefer to feed her over pumping, I find it such a drag! Babies are so much more efficient at getting out the milk that you can become a bit leakier when pumping rather than while feeding. At dinner somehow the topic of baby poo came up, I blame the company. The single girls made the appropriate faces to let me know that it was not acceptable dinner conversation. I still managed to squeeze in a few comments about how cool Ada is without appearing too baby brained! My first night away from her was fine! She was relaxed when I saw her the next morning, basking in the attention from Jo and the girls oooing and ahhing. 

Overall I had a great time with such dear, lovely friends and it was a good training run for next weekend when I will be off matroning. What a heavy word matron is. At least it is paired with honour, still so serious. Wish us all luck!

Ada is 9 months old today!! Whoa! I will do a post about that later in the week.

26 July 2012

two thirds of a year!

Man, this has been a big week, let alone a big month!  On Sunday I was quite sick, so then on Monday I was quite tired. 

On Tuesday Ada started crawling! Once she found she could move towards me she hasn’t stopped. 

Wednesday she first demonstrated her knowledge that she and I are not one person and would-not-be-consoled-by-anyone-else, first when left at a friends place, then over dinner and at bath time too.  Poor poppet. 

Thursday saw more adventures in Ada feeding herself, marmite toast is now on the menu! 

Today Ada is 8 months old. Last night she woke every few hours with a blocked nose.  Happy 8 months little lady!  Your present appears to be snot.  Yay!  Ada has been the most content baby for weeks and weeks, this week she upsets easily and won't be distracted.  Her little brain is probably in overload, learning to communicate her likes and dislikes, teething, suffering a cold, clapping, waving, practicing saying dada at the right time and crawling.  I'd want a few more hugs too.

I can’t believe how fast these last 8 months have gone, I’m feeling very lucky to be at home and enjoying my little lady.