We spent the morning of your birthday at Playcentre. Ada you found it hard to be the centre of attention with so many adults talking to you and so you clung to me. You enjoyed the cupcakes we had made and blowing out the candle. Most of all on your birthday you wanted to swing. Swinging is your number one activity over all others right now. When the sun came out you warmed up too, running and giggling with the other kids in the sprinkler. You love laughing with other kids!
Ada you love your sister so much. You no longer seem obsessed with your baby but are now obsessed with copying and being with Olive. You want each and every thing she touches. Sometimes we can convince you to give her a new toy in exchange. Even rarer still you give her a toy for no reason and allow her to play with it by herself. You roll on the floor and make baby noises with your sister. When we say well done Olive, you say "well done Ada"! When she cries you tell her, "it's OK Olive, it's OK".
I love all the different looks that come over your face. You have eyes of wonder. You have a mischievous grin. You have a silly scrunched up laugh. You have a fake laugh and a fake smile too. When we ask you to have a laugh you look something like this:
My dear, right now, you are a sensitive soul. There have been more tears in the past few months than in the rest of your life. For example you were deathly afraid of walking on the lino in the bathroom after you slipped there yesterday. You say 'cuddle mama' and 'cuddle daddy' more than any other phrase. You are slowly, slowly learning how to move on by yourself when you have been upset.
Some of the best times are when we dance and sing together. You have got some moves Ada! We kani kani, huri huri and peke peke. You can't quite jump yet, but you love to try. You sing little songs to yourself and love wheels on the bus and incy wincy spider best of all.
I love spending time with you Ada and hearing what you have to say. You say things like "I am being a rabbit boing boing" or "I like strawberries". You chatter more and more, about things that have already happened or are about to happen, so I can't always guess what the words are that you are saying. I love that you have ideas and thoughts unique to you and you have begun to express them.
Happy Birthday sweet girl. I love you.
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