22 January 2014

blog reso's

1. Post something a little meaningful each week. Up my game and all. I am no longer trying to post every day, that did not last long at all with two under two! Now that I have a two year old and a 6 month old there is not magically more time, so I will do my best to be thoughtful about my experience as a mother and record those thoughts here.

2. Learn how to use a real camera! I have a great one and the file format is currently incompatible... blah, so many hurdles for this camera. Time to try, try again as they say. For now I will stop posting the whats app images from Cam's phone. Those are the super low quality pics I have posted. Um, sorry.

3. Garner more comments. Um, over to you dear reader! (Not sure exactly how to do this but I believe this relates to number one right?!) I love the communal aspect parenting can have, my ideas, your ideas, shared experiences, shared commiserations, I think it is time to chatter, no?! Thank you if you post here, at the moment I will

Do you make resolutions? I prefer to think of them as year goals and make them ridiculously achievable. Lazy? Nah, I am so about thinking I am awesome rather than getting into the "I can be more, do more" trap. It's not always easy as a typical NZer, but you know what, it's time to say it. "I am awesome"! In the words of Ada, "no, you, you do it". You can go ahead and say you are awesome too.


  1. I read, even if I never comment! Since I rarely see you in person, these photos and stories fill the gaps. The girls are gorgeous obviously but I think I like the ones of you & Cam more, parenthood is suiting you both so well. Got a lotta love for all of you!

  2. Thanks Sarah! We miss your sunshiney self over here! xo


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