17 May 2012


more style than Mum
I am feeling the need for some style. I don’t really do comfy clothes. When I want to be comfy I end up wearing old clothes. Unintentionally I have been rocking some hobo chic lately and majoring on the hobo rather than chic.

It is such an effort to get out the door with your baby bag, pram and baby, so sadly fashion takes a back step when I am making sure I have 1 million baby supplies on hand. This could be an example of my maternal instincts, I am putting my babies needs before my own. It could also be an example of ‘oh my goodness I am bored and Ada is bored let’s get out of here, now’.

not her 'lets get out of here face'
I can’t leave this to chance much longer, the old clothes are to be banished and a Mum uniform is in order. A bit of back to basics, what outfits do I have, does that coral T shirt go with this grey argyle sweater? Incidentally, no. Normally I don’t plan what to wear, my love of organisation has never spread this far. Needing to nurse Ada and to not cover everything with baby spew does put some constraints on your wardrobe. Time for a plan, maybe even a list, or a diagram! Tally ho!

Finally, something to think about. I presume you have heard of Mom jeans? So it turns out you can just have a Mom butt. All flat and that, in any jeans. Hmm. 

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