31 May 2012

half a year!?

How did we get here? I am a mother to a 6 month old!  Whaaaaat? No need for a biology lesson, just a little reflection is in order. In the words of Geoff Bullock, I will never be, the same again, I can never return, I've closed the door... Not that I would want to, Ada is so. much. fun! But I have been craving a glass of wine and some twice cooked chips at a trendy bar whilst flirting with my husband, preferably in Wellington and in a carefree manner. As luck would have it I am off to Wellington, but without Cam and with Ada. Oh we are taking the kitchen sink for sure. I will be heavy laden getting to the check in desk. I am looking forward to this so much! T minus 80 minutes till our ride is here! I will have to flirt with Ada in Wellington instead, she is good for a cheeky smile at the drop of a hat these days.

I got this

I have delayed writing this (Ada turned 6 months on Sunday, woot) as I wanted a pic of Ada's new teeth. They are too cute. I can't quite get them as they are still so tiny. Instead here are some pics of Ada eating, she is really good at it, loved it from the first bite of pumpkin, even though on retrospect it was much thicker than the store bought kind. Ada eats like a champ. Go Baby!

I may have mentioned Ada wasn’t too fussed on sleeping longer than 45 minutes during the day up until about 5 months. One way to distract her (and me) when she was tired and grizzly is to put on some loud music and dance about and sing along. Ada would join in with me singing. So clever! She doesn’t seem to sing along as much anymore and doesn’t need  as much pacifying either. So now the dancing and singing is for fun.

Here is my fave music to dance and sing with Ada this past month, I thought I had found it all by myself and before my music source friends, but alas no. That hasn't diminished how much I love First Aid Kit. Listen!

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