08 October 2013

3 months baby!

I've talked before about how changeable these little babies are but in the last 13 weeks things haven't stayed the same for more than 2-3 days at a time. Mostly every day is different to the one before, you feel like you are solving an ever evolving puzzle. Olive has been no different. I have tried to relax into all the unknowns about what is happening and why, calling these past 3 months the 4th trimester. I am still letting go of expectations of how things should be. Around one month of age Olive cried so much when she was awake I just left her to sleep as long as she wished and she was having big sleeps during the day and smaller and smaller sleeps at night. Then I got a little tired of being awake with her for a couple of hours at night and so thought I would try something different. So now, in the interest of getting some sleep at night, I do try to feed Olive at least 3hrly during the day. Things have improved steadily since having some routine. Olive is the happiest baby when she isn't writhing with gas troubles. Sometimes she refuses to eat but she hasn't refused to sleep since we have been more committed to getting her to bed on time. Go us! Go Olive!

I've been talking with a friend whose wee one sounds so much like what Olive was like. At 3 weeks I really wasn't sure if she was just a grumpy sensitive soul. Hearing how tough it can be in those very early days reminds me of how far we have come. Go Olive! On Sunday Ada was with her grandparents and we carted Olive off to Ambury Farm day then over to a friends place for BBQ. She was happy all day and we went with the flow. Go us! On the go with one baby is a much more simple affair once you have tried it with two. Cameron kept wondering if we could be so chill with Ada in tow, I'm unconvinced!!
So dear Olive, happy 3 months to you! I love you, your Dad loves you and your sister does too. You get more delightful every week! You love to eat your hands, push up to standing and look at the TV. We thank God for you and finally I can see his good timing.
Two months.
One month. 

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