07 October 2013


Here is a schedule of questions to ready yourself for in adult life.

1. "So are you seeing anyone?"
pre wedding
I recently looked at many photos of us pre babies. We look so relaxed!
2. Then it is only a matter of time until people start asking "so when are you two getting engaged?"


3. Then once you are engaged you get many many questions about wedding planning. Often these questions are OK with the bride who is consumed with the topic.

4. Once married, you get asked when the first child is on the way...

Do I look pregnant?
5. As soon as that one pops out the questions turn to more children! "How many are you planning on having?" along with, "when are you having the next one?"
How about now?
6. With our girls we get a lot of "do they look alike?" The next big question is "do you think she will have Ada's curls?" These are kind of a big deal.

7. No one is asking if she is sleeping through the night. Thank goodness. We are a ways off. But that came up really quite soon with Ada.

8. Often people ask who I think each of the girls look like. Not us apparently!

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