26 May 2013

18 months

One and a half. I have a fully fledged toddler. Like clockwork my happy independent baby says no one billion times a day, has tantrums and has stopped calling my Mama and prefers to ask for Mummy in a high pitched, urgent fashion, all day. Admittedly she has been under the weather but as usual that seems to coincide with change, or rather me noticing her changing. Rereading what I wrote 2 months ago those amazing feats have been replaced by new things! It seems strange and yet obvious that 2 months is a really long time when you are one and a half.

Yesterday Ada said her first sentence. Cam was taking her to her room for a new nappy and Ada plaintively said, “bye, Mummy”. She was going to miss me for those few moments. Sweet girl, it is going to be OK!

She knows something is up, change is afoot. My giant belly has long got in the way of sitting on my knee but now means I am asking her to walk, run, stomp or chase me places. Before I could ask her where is baby and she would point to my tummy but she seems to be ignoring that question now. She does give adorable raspberries on my stomach and we say “hi sister” and Ada waves. Her world is about to be drastically different!

I saw a friend at the library today, she was there with her 2 and a half year old and two week old baby, she was so positive! Babies are easy! They are transportable! They just sleep and eat! I loved it, her eyes were sparkling! That may not be me when I have a baby the same age in possibly 7 weeks time but it is soooo nice to see and imagine!

I think I am finally out of the denial stage. We are settling on a name and I have a place for baby to sleep! We are moving things about a bit to make room, but we are underway and it can be sorted fairly quickly if need be. Dun dun dun, not long now!

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