26 August 2012

baby blow out

I sit here typing after having eaten perhaps my 15th cupcake in 3 days. I tried to cut down my cake intake as I will be wearing a rather fitting dress this Saturday as matron of honour at my wonderful friend Jo’s wedding. It's not too urgent, everything fits, I was just trying to reduce the visual cues of my daily 3 pieces of cake habit in my silhouette. All my new found self-control went to custard with all the lollies and sweets about this weekend. We had such fun, actually sounding like a brood of hens cackling away for about 36 hours. The girls kept joking about my baby blow out, referring to going a little crazy after not drinking for so long, I had a rather quick glass of wine after I had pumped milk. I did look rather despo for a drink, after watching everyone else sip away for the afternoon I gulped some down before we headed out to dinner. Pre-loading is what they called it, good to know. I was trying to catch up, I was suffering some FOMO hiding away in the bedroom with the milking device. You will be pleased to know there was only a sugar blow out this weekend.

I left Ada with Cam about lunchtime on Saturday and he looked after her till mid morning Sunday! They had a ball! Cam said he felt like he really earnt his parent stripes with all the one-on-one time. I knew he would be fantastic. Apparently Ada even said Mama a bunch of times after her bath/before bed and then again in the morning when taking her bottle! Amazing! She hasn’t even been making mmmm sounds really and then out she pops with them perhaps when missing me. Aww! She is still a ways off using mama and dada exclusively about or to Cam and I but it is still sooo cute to hear. 

I was pretty distracted by the party planning and didn’t miss Ada too much, except when expressing milk. I would always prefer to feed her over pumping, I find it such a drag! Babies are so much more efficient at getting out the milk that you can become a bit leakier when pumping rather than while feeding. At dinner somehow the topic of baby poo came up, I blame the company. The single girls made the appropriate faces to let me know that it was not acceptable dinner conversation. I still managed to squeeze in a few comments about how cool Ada is without appearing too baby brained! My first night away from her was fine! She was relaxed when I saw her the next morning, basking in the attention from Jo and the girls oooing and ahhing. 

Overall I had a great time with such dear, lovely friends and it was a good training run for next weekend when I will be off matroning. What a heavy word matron is. At least it is paired with honour, still so serious. Wish us all luck!

Ada is 9 months old today!! Whoa! I will do a post about that later in the week.

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