22 September 2013

daycare dilemma

Decision making sure is hard! I ummed and ahhed for about 6 weeks whether to send Ada along for two mornings a week to daycare. There was the cost and the time spent to factor against my gained. There was the baby room with the ratio of adults to kids about 1:3 versus the toddler room with the ratio 1:6 or even 7. The babies looked boring and the toddlers looked huge! There was the thought of Ada being too busy as we go to Playcentre too and me frittering away some new found freedom on boring tasks like the groceries. First I thought we could get a subsidy and then we realised we don't qualify if Olive stays home, was it too much money? Finally I made up my mind, I'm worth it I thought, let's try this. Then Ada got sick and all I wanted was for her to stay home all the time so I could keep her healthy and safe. That was last week. By last night I was enjoying planning what I would do with my precious hours with one infant and today she had her first day!

I have always been sure of where I wanted her to go, the teachers are fantastic, the facilities are varied and immaculate, even the other kids are lovely. Ada hugged me goodbye and when I actually left the room she didn't look up from her playing. I came back and we ate some lunch together, Ada had made an impressive butter sandwich that she enjoyed, although she did say her pulled apart crust looked like a snake. In the car on the way home she sung "jack in the box" like they do at each mat time and when asked if she needed a new nappy she said that aunty changed it (the ladies who work there are called aunties). Ada was so pumped on her morning she took an hour to wind down to sleep and is having a mammoth nap.


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