23 September 2013

redefining success

Going on with my good enough parenting theme I seem to be on, a wise friend recently talked to me about the need at times to redefine success. It's so important to realize you don't have to be super mum every day. What each day requires from you and the context of your health, the wee ones health and what else is happening impacts on you! To do lists and baby activities are well and good but not the point of us. Am I right?

A successful day at the moment is remembering to enjoy Olive and being patient with Ada. Olive is a joy, she doesn't always feed well or settle easily and sometimes we are covered in milk and sometimes the nights just aren't the best but her smiles and coos and new found giggles make it all worth it. Ada is treading a tightrope between that strong toddler independence and wanting as much of our time as possible. After not much sleep her way of wanting to do things can be very tiring at best.  A successful day is not grumping at her... 

Hard to believe right? Butter wouldn't melt...


Thanks so much for stopping by!