20 October 2011

being pregnant

I think it is worth recording what it is like to be pregnant. Heavily pregnant I think is how you describe me now. In the scheme of things I am quite lucky really. A bit of back pain that passes and I still eat relatively spicy food compared to the average kiwi. I have gone through a long list of minor ailments, a daily blood nose as my blood vessels in there got used to the extra 30-40% blood volume I am now sporting. My feet are at least half size bigger thanks to the pesky progesterone acting on my ligaments. Those loose ligaments produce a multitude of sore legs, feet, ankles, blah blah blah… they don't last too long thankfully! Earlier I experienced a terrible slowing of daily functions that apparently will return. (That share is my way of desensitising myself, a blog about motherhood is sure to require some discussion of gross things. Speaking of which. I have to push this baby out soon. What the who what?!

Those are just the physical side effects. The emotional roller coaster has been quite a ride lately. Lucky for me we had house guests this weekend too so I could really practise being spazzy amongst friends and family. I am pretty sure they felt lucky too… Gushing and fretting at this, that and the other thing. Tears did arrive to join the bliss. I will blame the hormones while I can.

Worth noting is that there is also a wee child INSIDE MY STOMACH. When she really gets going it looks like a volcano is about to erupt through my t shirt. My stomach is currently between a basketball and a tetherball size. The app’s on my phone that tell me how big the baby is say that she is about a melon or so. I am fearful of the day when she becomes a watermelon. I am pretty sure that will be close to the EDD, 20 November! How big will I be in a month? The mind boggles.
From chapter 6: motherhood

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